A travelogue of our first trip to Buenos Aires


January 8 - 9 Offline in South America

Picture of the Day

I'm going to take a break from posting on Thursday and Friday January 8-9 for the simple reason that I won't have a computer (and I'm not paying internet cafe access fees here in BsAs).

Craig is heading down to Ushuaia at the southern tip of Argentina early Thursday morning. He'll spend two days there, then board an expedition ship on Saturday to participate in a floating photography workshop in the waters around Antarctica, and he's taking his MacBook with him.

Here's his ship...

Nifty, hm? I however will stay in BsAs until Friday night when I'll catch a night flight to Boston via Atlanta. I'll post a best-of list over the weekend.

Craig won't have access while at sea, but I think I've convinced him to write short posts to Word and edit some photos suitable for Blogger to post when he returns (not until January 25th, sorry). If you'd like to see that, post a comment voicing your support. If he doesn't think anyone's interested, he won't do it!

So I'll sign off for a couple of days. If any of my TripAdvisor forum friends in BsAs would like to meet up, email me at valyn.perini@gmail.com, and I'll pick it up on my phone. I'll be around until Friday 6pm local time.


  1. We want to see your stuff Craig! Send photos and short notes!

  2. Yes, we're interested; please send. You guys have done an amazing job with your planning. thanks for sharing it all. sherron

  3. Craig, Pretty please do the Word doc and photos for us to see on the blog when you get back! I'd love to read and see. Your "picture of the day" section has been a treat, as have all the pictures included in the blog. The food coverage has been really interesting too, Valyn; I wish we had taken pics of our food in England, especially the rabbit shoulder.
    Love, Mom

  4. Yes, Craig - please do! Love the picture of the day - you two are such a pretty pair :) - Laurie



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Eight Days in Buenos Aires by Valyn Perini is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.